Gopalaramanujam Sudhakar Site

Physiotherapy Peace River

Physiotherapy For All of Peace River

We offer every service you can possibly need to bring your body back to health. From physiotherapy and massage therapy, to custom orthotics and concussion rehabilitation, our physiotherapists work with clients to discuss their wellness goals, create a customized treatment plan, teach the proper form for exercises, and analyze their progress as their journey continues. We also only employ the most experienced, knowledgeable, and passionate physiotherapists in the Peace River area, to ensure that our clients are getting the attention and high quality services that they deserve.

To learn more about our professional physiotherapists or schedule your first appointment at our Peace River location, contact us today. We would love to hear from you!

Direct Billing Available

Below are some of the insurance companies we direct bill:
About Our Practice
Here's What Makes Us Different

Services Offered At This Location


Custom Foot 

Funding for Physiotherapy Services

Work-related Injuries (WCB Claims)
RCMP Benefits
Alberta Blue Cross Direct Billing
Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)
Alberta Schools Teachers Benefits
Personal Payments
Extended Health Coverage
Veterans Affairs
We direct bill most of the extended health insurances

See What Our Clients Have To Say!

Schedule Your Appointment Today

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 
(780) 624-2548 or click the link below.